December 02, 1946 - May 17, 2015
Well folks I'm out of here! Born in Orange, CA, growing up in Costa Mesa/Newport Beach when it was just a sleepy little community of farms, trees, ocean breezes and clear blue skies. To all those I loved and who loved me back it was great sharing life with you. John, thanks for the 29 year adventure, for your love, care giving and support, especially at the end and for being such a great Dad to Rishi. Rishi, you were the light of my heart the moment of your birth. It's been an honor being your Mom. I am so happy that you found the perfect little family to share your love and life with. My pet friends, past and present, especially Pavo, Chico, and T.J. who kept me going when I just wanted to sleep forever. My friends who shared coffee, gave me joy, lots of laughs, support and great conversation. You know who you are and that you were always in my heart and my thoughts. Gentiva Hospice, what amazing, fun, caring people you have been. Dr. P from Compassion & Choices who valued my decision for the gift of a good death. In lieu of flowers please do something for Mother Earth; plant trees, give to groups like Earthjustice, The Center for Biological Diversity, locally The Land's Council (I love the beaver project) and vote for those who care about the planet. Lastly, borrowing from poet Wendell Barry I say good-bye. - "I go and lie down where the Wood Drake rests, in his beauty on the water, and the Great Heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water, and I feel above me the day-blind stars, waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and I am free!"