September 14, 1948 - October 31, 2014
Was born on September 14, 1948 and went to be with our Lord and Savior on October 31, 2014. Randy was born in Renton, Washington and early in his life he moved to Spokane Washington with his family. He was in the Air National Guard as a young adult. He worked in various career fields throughout his life. He was very passionate about politics and was a very patriotic American with a great love for our country. He was also a conservative Christian. He loved airplanes, trains and watching car racing. Randy's biggest love in life though, was family and his children, both natural and adopted. His parents and two daughters preceded him in death. His wife Kathy, brother Lonnie, and sister Rebecca survive Randy. His children, Michael, Angela, Robert, Timothy and MaryAnne, as well as stepchildren Suzette, Stacy and Tony survive Randy. Many grandchildren also survive him. There will be a celebration of Randyâ??s life on Friday, November 7, 2014 at the Sunset Chapel, Fairmount Memorial Park, 5200 W. Wellesley, at 12:30pm. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to Hospice of Spokane Hospice House.